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HUMANITY - makes the difference

                    KNOWING humanity!!

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During whole life a man has to face the different stages of life, and have to face each and every consequences of it. On Sunday generally children are happy because they have no school and homework  to do they are free at this time they enjoy themselves. Lets read a motivation story  of a boy named Dhruv.
      Dhruv from the morning was requesting  to his father that,"Dad please at evening we will go to the market".His father was not able to ignore him as he was continuously requesting. Then at evening they went together in the market." Dad, what these policemen do by standing on road", asked Dhruv. 
"They do this for our security and safety and to avoid the crowd on the road to prevent accidents", replied the father. Oh! then I will also become a doctor and serve to people.They continued their walking and reached to a fruits seller and Dhruv said,"Dad, look at this fruit seller he is having beautiful and delicious oranges would you  please buy some for me?His father bought the oranges for him and then they returned to home. In their way to home Dhruv saw a beggar who was asking for food from the people passing by. Dhruv questioned his father that,"This man is so old and he is begging why?" father replied,"May there would be no one to look after him so he is begging". 
During all this the old beggar came to them for asking  food. Dhruv looked at the beggar and then to his oranges he continued doing this and his father understood that what he wanted, so his father gave that packet of oranges to Dhruv to offer it to the beggar. After he gave the oranges to the beggar , in his eyes their we could see the happiness of that. Dhruv said ," Baba, eat this oranges these are very sweet". After receiving  the oranges the beggar said," long live my child, and may God make you a great man".  Dhruv questioned his father that,"Dad, who is a great man".

" The one who do good for the society and helps other is called a great man", replied father. Dhruv wanted to become that  great man . he came to the beggar who was eating oranges and asked him"Baba' is there no one to look after you?". Beggar said ,"My wife died long time ago and my son become a  doctor and gone to London, and there is  has become a great man".And till today he has not come back and now my life is going on, on these roads.

Dhruv looked at his father and said," I will not become a doctor or a  great man because I can't leave you on the road".His father said him that,

" Son, there is no harm to become a doctor or a big man". Here its all about Humanity, people do not become great on the basis of their studies or position. Being great means that the person should not forget himself nor the society.

Dhruv understood everything and said to the old man," Baba wait here, I will bring some food from home for you".


Anonymous said...


Mayank said...

it's awesome
write one more

Mayank said...

it's awesome bro

Unknown said...


Mayank said...

it's awesome bro

Abhishek Raj said...

Sukriya !!!

Unknown said...
