Near a sea shore a crab was walking ,then he turned and was looking at its foot prints and was admiring it .Suddenly the waves from the ocean came and removed all his footprints ,the crab watched this and said to the ocean , "Hey man !I thought you to be my best friend and you washed all my beautiful footprints which I was admiring ". The waves from the ocean replied ,"My dear friend ,a fishermen was following your footprints to catch you so I washed them away so that he could not reach you.
In our life ,ladies and gentlemen I think in our relationship as well we doubt the actions of the people just like the crab doubted the actions of the waves. But the intention of the waves was not to wash the footprints of the crab, but was to save the crab from the fishermen . Similarly when many time people do this to us ,rather than always doubting their actions . Let us try and look at their intention as what they do may not be to harm us , what they do may actually be to help us . So try and implement this in your life and see the change.
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